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Ballet and Nutcracker Suite Snow Globes

(3 products)
Ballet first came to life in the year 1500, during the Renaissance Era, in Italy. It came from the Italian word ballare which means “to dance”. From its hometown in Italy, ballet reached the courts of France when Catherine de' Medici introduced the new dance style to her husband, the French King Henry II and to the aristocrats. It also extended to Russia in 1850, wherein Russia was recognized as a leading creative center of the dance world through the influence of August Bournonville, Jules Perrot, Arthur Saint-Léon, Enrico Cecchetti and notably, Marius Petipa.
In collaboration with Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s music, Petipa combined his choreography to create the most popular ballet plays such as The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, and Swan Lake.

BestPysanky encapsulated the magical world of ballet in musical snow globes. Each piece plays an enchanting tune that brings the figurines to life with its windup mechanism.
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