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Set of 3 Tjanting Tool Hot Wax Pens for Batik Method Fabrics Decoration

₴381.24 UAH ₴476.75

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  • Set of 3 Tools
  • 6.9 Inches Long
  • Tip end diameter 2 mm (0.08 inch)
  • Opening inner tip diameter 8.5 mm
  • Distance between tip and wooden handle 3.2 Inches
  • Handle diameter 12.8 mm
  • Birchwood handle

A traditional tjanting consists of a wooden handle attached to a small, copper reservoir with a spout or series of spouts. The copper is ideal for holding molten wax due to its excellent heat-conducting properties. Artisans dip the reservoir into a pot of hot, liquid wax and then use the spout to draw designs onto fabric. The process demands a high level of skill and concentration, as the wax must be applied evenly and precisely.
The creation of Batik textiles using a tjanting involves a sequence of steps. The cloth is usually pre-washed and then stretched on a frame to provide a flat surface. The design is sketched with pencil and then followed by the tjanting filled with molten wax. After the wax hardens, the fabric is dyed. The wax resists the dye, preserving the original color of the fabric in the areas where it has been applied. This process can be repeated multiple times with different colors to create complex, layered designs. Finally, the wax is removed, often by boiling the fabric, revealing the finished work.
Wood Set of 3 Tjanting Tool Hot Wax Pens for Batik Method Fabrics Decoration in Beige color

Set of 3 Tjanting Tool Hot Wax Pens for Batik Method Fabrics Decoration

₴381.24 UAH ₴476.75

A traditional tjanting consists of a wooden handle attached to a small, copper reservoir with a spout or series of spouts. The copper is ideal for holding molten wax due to its excellent heat-conducting properties. Artisans dip the reservoir into a pot of hot, liquid wax and then use the spout to draw designs onto fabric. The process demands a high level of skill and concentration, as the wax must be applied evenly and precisely.
The creation of Batik textiles using a tjanting involves a sequence of steps. The cloth is usually pre-washed and then stretched on a frame to provide a flat surface. The design is sketched with pencil and then followed by the tjanting filled with molten wax. After the wax hardens, the fabric is dyed. The wax resists the dye, preserving the original color of the fabric in the areas where it has been applied. This process can be repeated multiple times with different colors to create complex, layered designs. Finally, the wax is removed, often by boiling the fabric, revealing the finished work.